Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chef in Love

Beberapa orang yang baru mengenal saya 3- 4 tahun belakangan pastinya sudah mengklaim gw totally ga bisa masak.
ok. saya mau buka rahasia.

Sebenarnya saya dulu adalah pemasak (asal kata "masak") ..artinya memasak ya sudah biasa. Bahkan makanan anak-anak waktu mereka bayi lebih suka saya masak sendiri. Almarhum suami beserta teman-teman kerjanya itu pelanggan setia masakan saya karena selain biasa memasak saya juga hobby makan ramai-ramai..

Saya baru tau kalau memasak itu adalah ekspresi cinta ( halahh). Ga heran kalau di rumah ibu , sekenyang apapun saya pasti buka tudung saji trus ambil piring apapun lauknya. Itu pasti karena ibu saya memasak dengan penuh cinta.

Saya baru sadar kalau ternyata dalam kurun waktu 3 or 4 thn yang lalu otomatis bahkan menggoreng telor saja saya ga mau dengan berbagai macam alasan sampai akhirnya keluarlah cap bahwa saya ga bisa masak. Sehingga bisa dipastikan pasti dalam kurun waktu dimana saya tidak bisa memasak sama sekali itu pasti saya tidak dipenuhi cinta (selain terhadap Gabriel & Michelle)

Puji Tuhan sekarang saya mulai ke dapur lagi. hasilnya. meskipun rasanya ga sehebat koki hotel bintang 5 tapi menunggu expresi yang makan itu sesuatu banget :p

kalau cuma masak makanan sehari2 aja sih udah bisa sambil ngenet ..#sengak #belagu

kalau ada yang bilang bahwa masakan membuat orang jatuh cinta, saya memasak karena saya penuh cinta.. (yukk cynnn..)

so, saya ga bisa masak? itu cuma hoax...

ps :

1. foto2 disini akan saya update setiap kali habis masak..
tapi maaf untuk sementara belum bisa terima pesanan soalnya cintanya cuma buat seorang #eaaaaa

2. aku pun sudah bisa bikin cookies ..yippiee

3. bikin pie masih belum berhasil :((

4. sekarang udah ga sempet motret tiap kali habis masak karena keburu habis :D

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tablas Flamencas

Flamenco is a genre of music and dance which has its foundation in Andalusian music and dance and in whose evolution Andalusian Gypsies played an important part. The cante (singing), toque (guitar playing), dance and palmas (handclaps) are the principal facets of flamenco.

It is the journey through the different Flamenco styles, called " Palos" in spanish. The singer, the dancer and the guitar player evoke all the emotions.

This show underlines the fact that Flamenco is a living art form, in constant evolution, a dynamic expression, a way to sense sound, movement, music and life.

Marisol Navarro (dancer)
Jonatan Miró (dancer)
David Vázquez (singer)
Fernando de la Rua (guitarist)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Grand Launching KompasTV

Sekarang mungkin kita agak bisa bernafas lega dengan hadirnya chanel station TV terbaru yang sangat menginspirasi Indonesia. Adalah KompasTV, sebuah perusahaan media yang mengemas program tayangan news, adventure & knowledge, entertainment dengan menekankan pada eksplorasi Indonesia baik budayanya maupun kekayaan alam.

Kelebihan KompasTV adalah sebagai kanal TV berbayar pertama yang memiliki kualitas High Definition ( HD) sehingga menghasilkan kualitas gambar dengan kontur yang jelas dan warna lebih tajam. Di samping itu KompasTV juga mengarah pada system televisi digital yang menjadi standar international.

Dalam Grand Launchingnya yang diadakan di Jakarta Convention Centre, jumat 9 september 2011 yang lalu, digelar Simfoni Semesta Raya dengan mengkolaborasikan beberapa musisi ternama, penyanyi dan penari.

Gw cuma mau curcol sedikit nih tentang malam itu..
When I read the rundown acara tertulis musisi dan artis pendukung yang namanya sudah cukup terkenal di tanah air dengan karyanya yang bukan main-main lagi. Sebut saja Adhie MS, Erwin Gutawa, Gita Gutawa, Sandy Sondhoro, dll. Anyway, teman-teman photographer kecewa berat ketika tau bahwa batasan mereka memotret tidak boleh melewati barisan tamu VIP/gold atau dengan kata lain mereka hanya boleh memotret dari tribun yang ..mmmm….lensanya tentu aja harus mumpuni. Teman-teman photographer pasti tambah kecewa kalau tau yang ada di barisan depan panggung itu ternyata cuma segerombolan anak-anak 4**Y yang dibayar oleh coordinator penggemar band untuk hore2, sorak2 ga jelas, males2an, sibuk motret narcis pake HP dan yang lebih nyebelin mereka malah komentar yang aneh-aneh ketika tarian nusantara perform.
I was trap at there!! ( but doesnt mean I 'm 4**Y :p ).
IMHOS ( In My Humble Opinion Seriously) acaranya will be ok without them.

Curcolan satu lagi adalah..i was starving enough on that night and i' m sure i was not the only one :D #kode

KompasTV mulai tayang perdana pada tgl 9 September yang lalu di sepuluh kota di Indonesia (Medan, Palembang, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Banjarmasin, dan Makassar) yang jumlahnya akan terus ditambah.

Untuk program tayangan di KompasTV bisa dilihat di sini

Mudah2an sesuai misi & visinya KompasTV benar-benar bisa menghapus citra buruk pertelevisian yang isinya cuma sinetron yang never ending sequel itu..

Monday, August 22, 2011

From Nature With Love

I was taken this video in front of my house and other location.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bicycle in Japan

Bicycle has become an integral part of Japan society. Almost everybody rides in every weather, from dressed businessman to grandmother, picking up the children from preschool, doing the daily groceries , communiting to work or university, all can be seen through the city street and side walk. Foreigners who arriving in Japan are often surprised.

Bicycles are known as jitensha or charinko (slang). The most common bicycles for every day use are typically equipped with a basket for carrying groceries and other items and/or a child seat (or two), a simple lock, a kickstand and just one gear. If we buy a new bicycle, the registration process will likely be handled by the store, but if we take over a used bicycle from somebody else, you are supposed to re-register the bicycle under your name at the local police station in order to avoid misunderstandings. In Japan we have to pay for throwing the used thing. That’s why somehow as my friend who lived there said, if the used bicycle park completely with the registration letter means you can have it..woww.

There are dedicated bicycle parking areas near most railwaystations and shopping centers due to the high popularity of bicycles. the bicycle is as ordinary as the dawn. Large housing blocks and metro stops have bicycle parking structures, and busy shopping districts may even have pay parking lots for bikes. Day and night, everywhere you go, the bicycle is there.

In Indonesia, the funny thing is if there is someone rides a bicyle may other people will think that those is poor bicycling such a kind of trend since there's a bicycle community - really hard work- champaigning GO GREEN but most people misunderstand make those bicycle as a life style due its price..:(

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ASEAN Fun Bike

This was the first of a series of events to usher in ASEAN's 44th birthday next August. As the Chair of ASEAN this year, Indonesia Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been working in close collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat to reach out to the public, ahead of ASEAN Day on 8 August.

Nearly a hundred people headed to the East Senayan on a Sunday morning July 10th 2011 for ASEAN Fun Bike. The good turnout by members of the diplomatic corp from ASEAN Member States, Dialogue Partners as well as non-Dialogue Partners, Indonesian Foreign Minister Dr Marty Natalegawa, The Secretary-General of ASEAN Dr Surin Pitsuwanlocal and cycling communities.

The cyclists whizzing down Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jalan Gerbang Pemuda, Jalan Asia Afrika, Jalan Hang Tuah, and Jalan Sisingamangaraja, and finishing at the ASEAN Secretariat.

They were welcomed with the refreshments and some stall bazaar at the car-park . At the same time Dr Natalegawa also donated several hundred books to charitable organisations in Jakarta.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Letter from Panthera

Dear human,

I just lost my friend a  months ago. I thought he lost while hunting for some food but sadly he was caught in a trap made by you. He couldn’t do nothing, tried to survive without food and water for 7days while his right leg severely wounded and surrounded by insect. Some of you tried to help but it was too late. He was 18 months years old.

( watch the video about my friend )
credit title : Greenpeace Indonesia

The story begin while oneday we heard no more nature sound in our land but the noisy machine. It was not far away from the place where we used to play together or just lay down after did hunting. You called our home a forest. As you know forest ecosystem covers the flora and  fauna. Beside the animal the herbivores also live. The tree, grass and other plants that those animal need for food. As a top predator we have to hunt for food. We have to make sure that all animal -who live in -that we eats live.

Now felled trees everywhere. You’ve been trying to remove our land  and converted to a nonforest use. And due to spreading areas such as well as encroachment by logging and road building activities, we threated of habitat loss and we cannot live in places where trees have vanished. We were forced into areas closer to humans. Sometimes we lost and being killed or arrested while entering rural. Since forests also catch and help store rainwater and protect soils you have to remember that areas with less trees lead to floods and other disaster that effect to human.

Do you know when you save the forest means you save our habitat means you save us means you also save yourself?. Do you know we are at the top of the foodchain for the protection off all species on our earth?. Do you know saving the tigers means saving mankinds?. Well  I guess, on behalf of our community, & sure that you are smarter than us.

We just need our land back so our community can live along and you too. Stop hunting and trapping us in our own land.

Thank you  


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Berburu Sun Rise

Sebenarnya banyak variasi yang bisa didapat kala memotret sunrise tapi pada umumnya foto sunrise dihiasi dengan objek silhoute. Mengapa?

Dalam fotografi landscape ada pengenalan fase intensitas cahaya alam atau yang disebut fase remang. Memotret sunrise sebenarnya bisa dimulai ketika hari masih gelap dengan memanfaatkan lampu kota yaitu ketika langit masih gelap berwarna biru tua. Fase ini disebut fase Astronomi.

Kebanyakan waktu orang memotret sunrise dilakukan pada fase remang laut yaitu yang terjadi ketika warna utama yang terbentang di atmosfer biasanya biru tua dengan rona oranye dan kuning pada cakrawala yang disebabkan oleh matahari yang akan terbit. Detil akan lebih mudah dibedakan sehingga foto silhoute menjadi lebih menarik dibandingkan dengan foto landscape itu sendiri.

Pada saat cakrawala terlihat jelas, obyek akan makin jelas tergambar. Langit didominasi warna kuning pucat, merah neon, oranye cerah. Fase ini disebut remang madani dimana perubahan langit akan sangat cepat. Foto landscape akan lebih hidup pada fase ini.

Satu jam pertama sebelum matahari terbit ini disebut jam keemasan. Setelah 1 jam after sunrise langit akan berubah putih sehingga tidak lagi kondusif untuk fotografi landscape. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk memotret Sunset dengan urutan terbalik.

Jadi sudah tau jawabannya kenapa kebanyakan foto sunrise or sunset kebanyakan dengan objek silhoutte?

Seperti kita2 ini, karena merasa ga perlu jauh-jauh berburu sampai Pananjakan (berhubung lagi bokek juga sich), motret sunrise kali ini dilakukan dari depan rumah saja dengan perjuangannya kurang lebih sama yaitu males bangun pagi.. *yawn*

> jangan lupa pakai tripod.
> lebih bagus lagi dilakukan saat musim kemarau
> no editing, no photoshop, no filter ( apalagi pake kacamata item!!!)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

One Foothold Shot Tricky

Once upon a time dalam suatu perjalanan nyasar, dan dalam waktu yang sesingkat-singkatnya (karena lagi nanya jalan), dipinggiran sawah yang satu langkah lagi bakalan nyemplung ke parit...

Jangankan berpikir untuk nyobain macam-macam angle, yang bisa saya lakukan cuma merubah framing (Shot Lenght) dan menunggu moment (sambil nunggu temen selesai nanya jalan :p)

Dalam keadaan kepepet seperti itu, main framing bikin gambar kelihatan berbeda seperti gbr 3 s/d 5. Jadi ga perlu putus asa kalau kita cuma memiliki ruang gerak yang sempit ketika mengcapture moment...

Don't miss your chance to shot :D

The Cikondang Waterfall

The Cikondang waterfall, located in Cianjur district West Java, is not a natural spring water but only the river falling over a large cliff..

Getting Lost at Curug Cikondang

Accidentally jalan minggu ini adalah menemukan Curug yang yahh lumayan lah buat motret slow speed. Bukan apa-apa, selain perjalanannya kesini yang jauh, tidak ada petunjuk jalan, curug ini juga tidak jernih airnya.

Tentu saja karena Curug Cikondang yang terletak di kabupaten Cianjur ini bukan merupakan bentukan mata air alami namun hanya tumpahan air sungai yang jatuh melalui tebing yang besar. Dibandingkan dengan beberapa curug alami yang pernah saya datangi tentu saja curug ini masih jauh dari “tempat yang harus disinggahi” pemburu curug. Keruhnya air semakin nyata ketika habis turun hujan. Air berwarna sangat coklat.

Masih agak terhibur karena sepanjang jalan yang bervariasi – kadang bagus kadang jelek dikanan kirinya terhampar perkebunan teh dan udaranya otomatis sejuk.

Goshh….sebenernya kita kesasar ini..

Friday, June 24, 2011

Beach Hunter

Location : Indrayanti Beach, Wonosari Yogyakarta

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Overview the Matsushima

Matsushima is only short distance from prefectural capital Sendai and easily accessible by train. Matsushima is a group of island where 260 tiny island, large and small, covered by black and red pines and grayish white rocks. It makes the view changes from place to place and from season to season.Its pine-covered islands are considered one of Japan’s scenic treasures.The area was protected by the islands and suffered little damage of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

Matsushima's best-known structure is the most famous Zen temple, stands facing Matsushima Bay. Zuigan-ji Temple, a Zen temple erected in 828. On the right side of the pathway leading to the temple are caves and grottoes dug out by priests long ago; adorned with Buddhist statues and memorial tablets, they were used for practicing Zazen (sitting meditation) and are an impressive sight.

In Matsushima there are a variety of tourist attractions such as various observations spots, including the representative views from the Four Best Viewpoints, "Zuiganji Temple", the only Zen temple in Tohoku, the main shrine of the Five Great Vidyarajas "Godaido Hall", and a wealth of historical cultural heritage associated with the Date Clan, including the "Kanrantei", a tea ceremony house.

Matshusima is ranked as one of the three most beautiful sites in Japan. With its stunning island scenery, the place is frequented by visitors all year round.

To Get There:
Public Transportation: 23 minutes from Sendai station to Matsushima- Kaigan station by the JR Senseki Line rapid train.
Approximately 25 minutes from Sendai station to Matsushima- Kaigan station by the JR Tohoku Honsen Line
Car:Approximately 50 minutes from central Sendai via Route 45.

Overview the Matsushima

Matsushima is only short distance from prefectural capital Sendai and easily accessible by train. Matsushima is a group of island where 260 tiny island, large and small, covered by black and red pines and grayish white rocks make the view is changes from place to place and from season to season. Matshusima is ranked as one of the three most beautiful sites in Japan.. The area was protected by the islands and suffered little damage of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

Matsushima's best-known structure is the most famous Zen temple, stands facing Matsushima Bay. Zuigan-ji Temple, a Zen temple erected in 828. On the right side of the pathway leading to the temple are caves and grottoes dug out by priests long ago; adorned with Buddhist statues and memorial tablets, they were used for practicing Zazen (sitting meditation) and are an impressive sight.

With its stunning island scenery, the place is frequented by visitors all year round.


Public Transportation: 23 minutes from Sendai station to Matsushima- Kaigan station by the JR Senseki Line rapid train.
Approximately 25 minutes from Sendai station to Matsushima- Kaigan station by the JR Tohoku Honsen Line
Car:Approximately 50 minutes from central Sendai via Route 45.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Heart That Giving - Takidashi at Ishinomaki

Day 3 : Leaving Sendai, headed to Ishinomaki. Ishinomakhi located in Miyagi Prefecture . This city was among the most seriously affected by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami about more than 10 meters high and destroy approximately almost 50% of the city.

This city got very badly hit by both the earthquake and the resultant tsunami on the 11th of March 2011. Though, I was amazed to see the pace of the reconstruction work that has already begun here. Many of the streets had been cleared of detritus and most of the rubble had already been collected and deposited in vacant lots.

We were divided into 2 groups. While the other group did mud digging in different area, I joined with the Takidashi. Takidashi or food handout is cooking and providing fresh food. The Takidashi was held in the small area where residents still persist and grateful they survived and with no plans to leave.

Some of volunteers set up a makeshift stage for the singers and dancers while another went house visiting to invite the residents to Takidashi. The volunteer workers served Thai noodles (phad thai), ‘‘satay’’ and hot Vietnamese coffees.
During those time, the resident was entertained by some performers from ASEAN countries whom joining the ASEAN Youth Caravan. Among that are the ASEAN student in Japan, Indonesian performers Ring of Fire with lead singer Fadly and Rindra (known as member of PADI group) and Derby “Petualangan Sherina” Rumero and famous artis from Thailand Khemanit “Pancake” Jarikorn. We also gave away caps, t-shirts and other goodies to all those who joined the takidashi.

As the Secretary General of ASEAN, H.E Surin Pitsuan concludes “The Japanese Government is ensuring necessities for her citizens, we just want to show our friendship with a little of our culture and experience. Participants are willing and ready to do what is needed; may it be cooking ASEAN cuisines just for them to taste a bit of our culinary tradition, cleaning, singing, dancing...or simply listening! They just want to be there in person, share personal experiences and spend quality time with the survivors and friends—as fellow Asians, as fellow humans”.

The earthquake has changed the city. Surely, it's changed it emotionally, but it has also changed it physically. Helping hand is not always “what is given that is important “ but at “the heart of giving”

also link :

ASEAN Youth Caravan of Goodwill, NorthEast Japan

Short Description of ASEAN Youth Caravan of Goodwill :
Realizing that hundreds of thousands of unfortunate victims of the triple catastrophe are still being housed in many evacuation centers in Northeast Japan in particular, the ASEAN and Japanese Foreign Ministers have endorsed a proposal to organize a quick “Caravan of ASEAN Youth” to show the goodwill of the ASEAN people to be supported by the civil society and the private sector at no cost to the ASEAN . The ASEAN Youth Caravan of Goodwill is planned for 3-5 June, 2011. The Caravan will visit evacuation centers in the Northeastern coastal communities of Japan that have been devastated by the Great Earthquake and the tsunami of 11 March.
All members of the “ASEAN Caravan of Goodwill” will be on a voluntary, pro bono, basis (charity and free of charge). Some members will travel from some of the ASEAN Member States, the ASEAN Secretariat and some will be invited from among the Tokyo-based youth or students who are interested and willing to join the Caravan of Goodwill. Thai International Airways and Air Asia have expressed their readiness to participate in the ASEAN Youth Caravan of Goodwill. The Nippon Foundation is making arrangements for Japanese volunteers and managing all ground logistics that include identifying possible places to visit and coordinating activities in pursuit of comforting and helping the survivors.
The 10 ASEAN embassies (The ASEAN Tokyo Committee) will be closely consulted and will support the organization of the project without any financial implications to the ASEAN Member States. The Thai Ambassador to Japan, H.E. Virasakdi Futrakul, Chairman of the ASEAN Tokyo Committee, will serve as the main Coordinator in Tokyo. All Ambassadors of the ASEAN Member States in Tokyo will advise and render support to this goodwill initiative.
The National Japan Broadcasting Company (NHK) has agreed to document the “ASEAN Youth Caravan of Goodwill” from the very start until the end over the 3 days period, beginning with its arrival in Japan on 3 June to its departure on 5 June (courtesy to

I've been travelled almost 5 days to visit Northeast Japan, join the ASEAN YCOG. We left Tokyo early in the morning to Sendai. It took 7 hours by bus but we made restop along the way. Sendai is the capital city of Miyagi Prefecture and the largest city in the Tōhoku Region. Actually we met great view along the way but dramatically changed as we reach first stop at Natori. It was absolutely unbelievable! The city was nearly wiped out. Smashed houses, cars everywhere, boats randomly dumped. We stop about half an hour and laid some flowers as a memorial.

We spend the night at Sendai City that also showed some scars of the earthquake, and prepared for the main event for tomorrow, The Takidashi and Mud digging at Ishinomaki

Even this journey brought great sadness but it was an honour to bring the message to Japanese all over the country that the ASEAN people care about them.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Legacy (Short Movie Video)

Dear Fellas

Proudly present from our creativity, short movie made for Levi's competion. 

also  thanks to Mr.Jimi Hendrix, Ary ,Qanta and Backhe for the good cooperation..and also sambel iblis Mbah Jingkrak Resto

Monday, May 23, 2011

Beach Hunter

Seperti yang pernah saya ceritakan dulu mengenai jajaran pantai selatan di Wonosari , kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta ini adalah kelanjutannya. Maksudnya saya baru sempat -setelah penasaran tepatnya - meninjau deretan pantai-pantai lainnya.

Setelah berkendaraan selama 3 jam dari kota Yogya serta mengabaikan untuk mampir di Pantai Baron, Krakal dan Kukup, sampailah ke pantai pertama, Pantai Drini.

Pantai Drini terletak di sebelah timur Pantai Kukup. Letaknya diapit oleh perbukitan. Meskipun hari sudah menjelang siang saya masih sempat melihat kapal nelayan merapat dengan hasil tangkapan ikan yang langsung dijual di pelelangan kecil ( Gbr 1 s/d 11). Walaupun pasir di Pantai Drini masih terlihat putih namun saya yakin bahwa pantai ini sebelum banyak diketahui orang pasti lebih bersih lagi. Saya melihat mulai banyak sampah dipinggir pantai bekas wisatawan yang datang karena pantai ini sekarang sudah mulai ramai dikunjungi terutama pada saat libur. Seorang pemilik warung mengatakan bahwa dulunya belum banyak orang datang ke lokasi ini. Yang lebih mengejutkan lagi waktu saya mengambil gambar ada seorang penduduk yang mulai komersil meminta bayaran mulai dari uang sampai lama-lama turun jadi sebungkus rokok. Sepertinya mereka mulai paham banyak yang mengambil gambar yang nantinya digunakan untuk tujuan komersil tanpa mereka tahu hasilnya apalagi kecipratan..(ya doain aja, pak supaya proyeknya gol jadi mudah-mudahan besok kalau saya kembali kesana saya bisa bagi-bagi rejeki :D).

Pantai berikutnya yang disambangi adalah Pantai Indrayanti. Nama Pantai Indrayanti diambil dari nama pemilik pantai ini. Ya betul ini adalah pantai pribadi. Di awal tahun lalu pantai ini pernah menjadi sengketa karena tidak mengantongi kepemilikan ijin usaha. Seperti yang umum diketahui bahwa bentang wilayah pantai selatan di Gunung Kidul disebut Sultan Ground yaitu tanah milik Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono dan tidak dapat dimiliki oleh oknum pribadi. Pantai Indrayanti sendiri sudah mepromosikan diri ke berbagai negara melalui jaringan internet. Memasuki gerbang pantai ini memang sudah terasa sekali aura daerah wisatanya yang tertata rapih dan profesional untuk level daerah yang masuk katagori susah didatangi. Deretan gazebo dan usaha resto serta fasilitas olahraga Jet sky disediakan pemilik pantai ini ( Gbr 12 s/d 16). Kelanjutan cerita sengketa pantai ini sungguh saya ga tau karena harus segera buru- buru moving ke next destinasi since mulai terdengar suara-suara 4L4Y dan jejak kaki- kakinya yang mulai bertebaran di atas pasir putih.

Base on info dari seorang tukang parkir di pantai Indrayanti, finally akhirnya kita menemukan pantai yang mudah-mudahan bukan pantai pribadi lagi. (Gbr 17 s/d 43). Untuk menuju lokasi ini jalannya agak- agak ga mulus dan lebarnya cuma muat satu mobil. Nama pantai ini adalah..adaaaa dehh...:D.. beneran kita sendiri ga tahu namanya soalnya tempatnya nyempil dan untuk menuju ke bibir pantai kita harus menuruni bukit. Bayangkan ya, untuk saya tidak menyukai pantai saja merasa betah banget disini. Memandang hamparan samudera luas dari atas bukit tinggi, tanpa ada pendatang, tanpa 4L4Y, cuma penduduk lokal yang sibuk mencari siput, kerang, bulu babi .Trus saya berdoa mudah-mudahan orang ga banyak tau tempat ini. Sayang banget kalau dikotorin dan mengganggu mereka.. *ok. agak egois*

Ini belum selesai. Masih banyak lagi pantai di jajaran kabupaten Gunung Kidul yang menanti untuk disinggahi. Tapi berhubung perjalanan pulang masih 3 jam lagi dan besok harus bangun jam 02.00 pagi buat motret Waisak di Borobudur jadi kita sudahi dulu saja berburu pantai kali ini. Dalam perjalanan pulang masih sempat mampir juga sih di beberapa pantai yang ramai pengunjung karena om - om dari X- Code Film ini kayaknya masih penasaran pengen ngambil gambar ombak pecah dari dekat. Makasih deh, saya totally udah gosong..

Vesak 2555 BE , Borobudur Festival 2011

Vesak Day is the memorial of three events at a same time - the birth, the perfect enlightenment time and the death of the Siddhartha Gautama. In Indonesia, commonly all Buddhists celebrate Vesak with the central event at the Borobudur Temple. Borobudur is believed to be the gathering place of supernatural powers.

Regretly, i wasn't on good condition on those days to joining their complete ceremonial for three days (headache, sleepless and almost "overheated"). Started with ritual to obtain holy water and igniting the Vesak torch, whose flames are taken from the natural eternal flames at Mrapen in the village of Grobogan, end by walking from the Mendut Pawon to Borobudur.

Today, The Indonesian Buddhists Representatives Association, which leads the ceremony has designated the theme of Vesak 2555 BE as: “Seeking Happiness and Serenity Within Oneself”.

happy Vesak 2555 BE, May Lord Budha bless all of us.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pindapata 2011 - Welcoming Vesak 2555 BE -

I was remember one early morning while I visit Bangkok a couple years ago, a group of a Bhikkhu ( Budhist monk) wearing their robes like an orange ripple, walking along the street and stop to take food from everyone who wishes to give. Then people seems known that the bikkhu will coming they’re ready with the food, put something into their bowl. Also heard some called out “nimon” to invite them to stop. As silently as open he open his bowl to receive the food. They just stand in silence and keep their eyes fixed upon the open bowl and say nothing. The Bhikkhu doesn’t look to see who is giving him food or even say something unless they ask them something. The layman who offering food are who thank them for having taken food from their hands. Sometimes one sees bhikkhus following gently and quietly after an elder monk, perhaps carrying his bowl for him until the first house is reached upon the alms-round. It's call Pindapata.

Pindapata is a tradition in which Buddhist monks wander through a village to collect their daily meals. The tradition started when Buddha said monks and nuns should not cook or store their own food in order to simplify the lives of monastics and to enrich the spiritual lives of lay people. A bhikkhu doesn’t beg as do ordinary beggars but passes on silently collecting offered food. They makes no effort to attract the attention of anyone.

Now I know that in the lands where the teachings of the Lord Buddha have been long established, the sight of a bhikkhu (Buddhist monk) collecting food in the early morning, is a common one. The alms-gathering ritual must end before lunchtime

This is the first time I've participated in Pindapata. I brought also some food to share. Those who didn't have food can gave them angpao (money in envelopes). As Budha said, It is not always “what is given that is important “ but at “the heart of giving”.

" Happy, indeed, we live, We who possess nothing, Feeders on joy shall we be, Even as gods of the radiant realm - Budha "

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fotografi = Main - Main ?

Waktu pertama kenal DSLR thn 2004, saya memakai EOS 10D setelah sebelumnya selama hampir 6 thn pakai analog NIKON F2 & F5. Booming digital 2 tahun lalu, pertama saya beli entry level 1000D, lensanyapun cuma punya  KIT& 1 lens fixed yang dibeli karena kebutuhan. Harganya waktu itu  senilai EOS 550D BO jaman sekarang. Saat itu masih sering juga motret pake analog. Selain SLR analog & digital tentu saja juga pakai pocket dan pernah mencoba Lomo.

Kalau diitung- itung hubungan saya dengan dunia photography sudah berlangsung sedemikian lama.  Dalam arti bahkan sampai detik ini juga saya masih belajar baik secara tehnik maupun praktek (Meskipun beberapa mengatakan bahwa ROT boleh dilanggar tapi saya tetap masih belajar sampai sekarang supaya dapat frame yang enak dilihat )

Sekarang ini photography sering dianggap main- main oleh nubie. Pertama dari kelas harga. Harga mahal pasti bagus. yaa bener sih ada uang ada barang tapi ini khan bukan soal beli  fashion. Yang lebih ga ngerti lagi darimana ya mereka bisa berkesimpulan bahawa lensa panjang itu sudah pasti lebih mahal dari lensa pendek *gigit sandal*

Dua gambar diatas saya ambil dengan angle sama dan body berbeda. Ada yg bisa liat perbedaannya secara significant ?

Kedua, sekarang begitu  seseorang mampu beli camera lalu langsung mencap diri sebagai photographer. Hey c’mon , by the time you buy that thing you just own it. Sometimes bahkan ada yang udah mengklaim dirinya photographer but they don’t know how to attach lens..*krik krik krik*. Yaa..sah – sah saja sih siapapun yang bisa memotret bisa disebut photographer koq.

Photography tidak semata dilihat dari kualitas gambar yang sempurna, tanpa grainy atau megapixel yang besar hingga mampu mencetak ukuran baliho dengan pixel yang padat. Photography sendiri berasal dari bahasa yunani yang berarti “ cahaya dan menulis “ maka cahaya (baik cahaya matahari atau lampu) merupakan unsur yang paling penting yang ga bisa dianggap remeh untuk mendapatkan hasil foto yang baik selain dari komposisi dan  pengaturan kecepatan rana. Ketiga hal tersebut yang sekarang tidak begitu dipahami nubie. Sekali lagi terlepas dari kecanggihan digital dan software editing.

Percaya ga, jaman kuliah waktu belum ada DSLR, kita harus mencatat data exif sedemikian rupa sampai gambar yang di cetak akhirnya mendekati sempurna. Catat: mendekati ya..hikss…pengaturan dilakukan secara manual dan setelah cetak baru bisa lihat letak kesalahan.Ternyata bukaannya harus segini, ternyata kecepatannya kudu dikurangin. Pegel ga sihh??.sekarang mah, jebret tinggal delete. Bahkan ada yang dengan cueknya publish foto over atau under, bahkan goyang. as long diambil pake cam mahal mah cuek aja..ishhh

Suatu saat ketika sedang berbincang dengan salah satu nubie, beliau ngotot mengatakan bahwa lensa fixed dipergunakan untuk mendapatkan bidang frame yang luas. Bukan karena dia mencontohkannya sambil merentangkan tangan yang bikin saya pengen gali kubur  tapi kemudian saya sadar bahwa senjata terbaik adalah mengiyakan saja  dan berjanji lain kali saya akan membahas kisah cinta Raul Ramos & KD saja dengannya.  Boro- boro mau ngomongin soal lens mirror or sensor CMOS. 

Tapi ya sudahlah. Lagipula disini kita bicara mengenai fotografi, suatu seni. Jadi kita bisa lihat siapa yang bisa bertahan dan yang benar-benar membuat sebuah karya seni. Lagipula ga semua nubie koq begini, ada yang emang udah in the blood jadi mau pake cam apa aja juga "nyeni"..

Sejujurnya saya sama sekali ga pede motret, terutama ketika menenteng – nenteng  gadgetnya sendiri. Pun saya sering kali ga pede dengan hasil jepretan meskipun beberapa sudah sering di publikasikan di media dan menang lomba.

Alasan saya tidak membuka kolom koment ketika posting album di salah satu jejaring sosial juga terus terang justru takut ada yang bilang “ wihh, bagus banget fotonya”, “ makin canggih aja nih motretnya” instead cuma untuk menyenangkan hati. Beban mental banget sementara saya sendiri waktu mau publish aja ragu – ragu karena merasa ga bagus. Dan koment yang paling menyebalkan adalah “ pake kamera apa sih lo?”. DANG!!!.. What’s in your hand is the best, man..

Tidak semudah itu untuk menjadi fotografer, baik fotografer professional berbayar maupun yang karyanya sudah diakui secara luas (terlebih kalau dapat award). Banyak yang harus dipikirkan terutama kreativitas ide, eksekusi sehingga menuai hasil yang enak dipandang. Semuanya lebih penting dari aksi menenteng dan memotret itu sendiri. Sejatinya seorang fotografer adalah ahli dalam membuat foto serta menguasai tehnik yang baik. Have you?

Jadi, sejauh mana kita pantas disebut photographer? Ketika sudah punya kamera? Bisa jadi duit? Menang lomba?

Buat saya ga penting. I just wanna shoot like my eye is shutter release…

salam jepret

ps :No offense ya saya nulis ini. Bukan apa- apa, bukan lantaran sirik karena saya ga bisa motret sambil pake kacamata item (sumpah kalo bisa mah pengen banget buat jadi pp. khan keren, kakakkk…).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bike Everywhere, Everywhere Bike

What I want to share in here cute this transportation
ohh c'mon ...I shouldn't have to tell you the benefit by cycling here and there, right? unless you're on your bike now, go googling!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Burial in Toraja

Ceremony for the people of Toraja Death may take several days because of the many rituals that will be in the title part of it. There are many methods of burial in Toraja. Laid the coffin in a cave or carved stone grave, hung on a cliff, put inside the wooden house and put the bodies inside the trunk tree ( for the babies).

The babies who died before teething is placed inside the cavity of a ± 300 years old tree named Tarra Tree. The tree has a lots of sap instead of breast milk for those babies as returned them to the mother’s womb. The Aluk Todolo followers, those who belief in ancestor, only did this funeral tradition. Aluk is not just a beliefs. It is a combination of law, religion, and habit. Its original, ancient and mysterious.The baby’s funeral began with wrap the body with white cloth while the family noted a tree that would be used as a cemetery and made a hole on it. Before the bodies taken to the grave the others prepared the rope fibers and grave cover made of palm leave as their level of social status. The more higher status the more higher they put the bodies. A black boar was slaughtered in the funeral home yard and will be brought and cooked inside the bamboo without any seasoning at to the cemetery, later became one of Toraja cuisine name Pa’piong. No one allowed to talk each other during the procession until the Pa’piong cooked and the bamboo was splited. Even some of the local people still follows "Aluk Todolo", this tradition is no longer anymore since the last decades but still we can see that tree where the baby bodies already blend in the trunk.

found the complete of my article on Venture Magazine, March/ April 2011 issue.
I always love Toraja....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Stop Hurting Us...

Whatever the theme of the International Women's Day for this Year.. I just wanna keep saying


Stop saying something bad to us..!!
Stop hurting us..!!

sorry, i didnt mean to publish some nudy pictures but i hope there is someone realize this woman's body doesn't create to be hurt..

The woman on my pictures above, she decided that she deserved to be happy after just went back from hospital for her serious injury of domestic violence she have had.

Happy International Women's Day!!! You should be proud as a woman..
Be strong !!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ruang Terbuka Hijau

Lebih dari setengah populasi dunia sekarang ini tinggal di perkotaan. Kota terus menerus diperluas keluar dengan perencanaan pertumbuhan yang tidak memadai seperti pembangunan perumahan dan pembangunan jalan serta penambahan kendaraan bermotor yang semuanya itu berdampak, salah satunya, pada peningkatan emisi karbondioksida . Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) memperkirakan sekitar 70 % penduduk perkotaan di dunia sesekali menghirup udara tidak sehat, 10 % menghirup udara yang bersifat marjinal, sisanya menghirup udara dengan kadar udara beracun. Dengan semakin bertambahnya populasi penduduk di masa yang akan datang, tentunya kita tidak ingin suatu hari nanti anak cucu kita akan hidup dengan keadaan lingkungan yang dikelilingi oleh bangunan padat dan polusi udara yang buruk.

Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) merupakan fasilitas umum yang dapat menjadi pola pembangunan kota yang berlanjutan dimana fungsinya tidak hanya sebagai tempat rekreasi, kegiatan olahraga dan kegiatan-kegiatan masyarakat lainnya namun juga berperan sebagai paru –paru kota atau filter udara. Pepohonan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang ditanam dapat memasok kebutuhan oksigen dan menyaring kotoran udara.

Anyway, kapasitas lingkungan untuk mengatasi tekanan dengan adanya pertumbuhan dimasa depan ini terbatas ini terbatas sehingga kita juga diharapkan mampu mengimbangi efek negatifnya. Please jaga kelestarian RTH dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan, menjaga fasilitas public lainnya dengan tidak mencoret-coret, mencabut tanaman, tidak memanfaatkan sebagai tempat berdagang apalagi kencan :(

Lokasi : Taman Adyodya & Taman Menteng, Jakarta
hunting bareng gank NINJA...