Thursday, March 8, 2012

7th Years in Making Photo!!

So, after involved in many mass photo exhibition, finally i have my own Photo Exhition..

It was an honour from The Japan Foundation Indonesia to present my documentation photos and video showcase during my visit to Ishinomaki as voluenteer after the Great Earth Tsunami. 

The Galery

Recently I am still doing my photo exhibition at Bibliotheque Centrale FaculteUniversité Catholique de Louvain, Bellgium.
well, fellas..wish me luck they send me free ticket to Brussell ..:D


Taufik I said...


emil emierdhynie said...

keren Mbak :)

francesca ken said...

makasih ya....sumbang tiket dwong..hahahha

Johanes Jonaz said...

proud of you Ken!!

Caroline Thomas said...

Kennnn....... gw baru belajar, elu udah advance.. unfair! However, considering ur age, yah pantes lah.... WKWKWKWKKW.... ujungnya ga enak ya Ken? *miss you Ken*

francesca ken said...

Dear Olin, what do u mean by consider my age? I'm still 28 and always, eh?..Miss you too, beb..(coba kirimin gw tiket menado pp. tar gw ksh workshop gratis lah )

m ghaz said...

congratulations!! well done..

Iie Suryani said...

Tetep aja gue mah minta free kalo dipotoin biarpun elu udah pro... Hihihiiiii...