Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I've Got Mail....

Dear Francesca,

Today, as we welcome the New Year, we want to thank you for all the things you did last year to make a difference.

Your commitment, dedication and hard work make Care2 a community capable of real change! Look at some of our recent successes:

- On December 19, President Bush signed into law a new energy bill that improves fuel economy standards and paves the way for a cleaner energy future. This is a great success for our non-profit partners and for the thousands of Care2 members who regularly take action to fight global warming.

- The government of Japan called off a planned hunt for humpback whales on December 21. Japan was planning the first major hunt of humpback whales in seas near Antarctica since the 1960s. About 54,000 Care2 members signed a petition to stop the killing of the threatened species before Japan made the decision.

May 2008 bring even more successes and positive change.

Wishing you a happy New Year,

- The Care2 Campaign Team - Breeana, Emily, Joe, Natasha, Ray, Rebecca, Robyn and Rosa.